Voices of Mississippi Blues
William Ferris, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Nature of the Brazilian Flag: An Environmental Turn under Military Rule (1964-1985)
Antoine Acker, University of Zurich
La construcción social de un espacio ‘prístino’: paisajes predominantes e interacciones funcionales en el sistema socio-ambiental Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo (1881-1987)
Anthony Goebel McDermott, Universidad de Costa Rica
David Chavarría Camacho, Universidad de Costa Rica
Ronny J. Viales Hurtado, Universidad de Costa Rica
Las aguas termales de la cuenca Chapala-Santiago: un patrimonio natural en peligro
Cecilia Lezama Escalante, Universidad de Guadalajara
Alicia Torres Rodríguez, Universidad de Guadalajara
Continue reading Las aguas termales de la cuenca Chapala-Santiago: un patrimonio natural en peligro
Heritage-Boom: On Culture and Nature in the Americas (Introduction)
Olaf Kaltmeier, Bielefeld University
Wilfried Raussert, Bielefeld University
Continue reading Heritage-Boom: On Culture and Nature in the Americas (Introduction)
Patrimonio colonial y refeudalización. Giros hacia la derecha en la cultura política en América Latina.
Olaf Kaltmeier, Universidad de Bielefeld
Queer (-/and) Feminist DIY Practices in Punk and the “Sexual Turn” in Human Rights
Lene Annette Karpp, Freie Universität Berlin:
Continue reading Queer (-/and) Feminist DIY Practices in Punk and the “Sexual Turn” in Human Rights
“Jazz Embodies Human Rights”: The Politics of UNESCO’s International Jazz Day
Mario Dunkel, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg:
This article explores the representation of jazz at UNESCO’s International Jazz Day, focusing in particular on the 2016 edition of the event hosted by former President Barack Obama at the White House. It locates Jazz Day in the history of US jazz diplomacy, demonstrating that the event results from strategies of the US government that emerged in the 1950s and sought to use jazz as an emblem of an American social order that was ethically superior to the Soviet Union. While Jazz Day – in the tradition of US jazz diplomacy programs – casts jazz as an embodiment of intercultural dialogue, diversity, and human rights, this article seeks to juxtapose this rhetoric with the event’s economics and politics. It argues that Jazz Day’s messages of diversity, intercultural dialogue, universal human rights, and peace, in their one-dimensional and non-intersectional form, ultimately serve to obfuscate the economic and political power interests that underlie the event. Contrary to its rhetoric, Jazz Day has so far failed to challenge the power structures that lie at the heart of a socially unequal global order built on the denial of basic human rights.