Current Issue
Vol. 17.2 (Dec. 2024) Hip-Hop Cubano, Afrodiáspora y transformación social – Diálogos transatlánticos y hemisféricos Download a pdf of the complete issue here. Matti Steinitz, Universidad de Bielefeld, Alemania Julia Roth, Universidad de Bielefeld, Alemania Roberto Zurbano, La Habana, Cuba: Introducción Roberto Zurbano, La Habana, Cuba: Pensar en clave Hip Hop: Música y resistencia en el Atlántico negro Sujatha Fernandes, University of Sydney, Australia: Mambises, malandros y maleantes: Imaginarios Colectivos de Luchas y Supervivencia en el Rap cubano y venezolano Marc D. Perry, University of Texas at San Antonio, Estados Unidos: Recuperaciones raciales: Hip hop cubano y la ciudadanía negra multívoca Aracely Rodríguez, La Habana, Cuba: Feminismo Caliban/diáspora/hip-…

Journal’s Archive
2024 Vol. 17 No. 2 (Dec. 2024): Hip-Hop Cubano, Afrodiáspora y transformación social – Diálogos transatlánticos y hemisféricos Vol. 17 No. 1 (Jun. 2024): Visual Narratives: Approaches to Graphic Novels in the Americas 2023 Vol. 16 No. 2 (Dec. 2023): Walls and Bridges Vol. 16 No. 1 (Jun. 2023): Dancing with the World, Magicking Life 2022 Vol. 15 No. 2 (Dec. 2022): Struggles over Mining and Territory in Latin America Vol. 15 No. 1 (Sep. 2022): Entanglements and Interdependencies in the Americas: Perspectives form the Carib – Kalinago – Garifuna People 2021 Vol. 14 No. 2 (Nov. 2021): Imaginaries of Home in the Caribbean Diaspora and the Americas Vol. 14…

I Live for Art – An Ecocide Romance Esther Figueroa, Vagabond Media/Jamaica Blood is Money, Blood is Race, Blood is Sex: Using the Vampire to Challenge Sexual Norms in Caribbean Literature. Giselle Anatol, University of Kansas Inter-American Studies: Why and Whither? Josef Raab, University of Duisburg-Essen “The boiled-down juice of human living” – The Anthropological Fieldwork of Zora Neale Hurston Sandra Becker, Paul Franke & Florian Reschke, Universität Bielefeld Chicana Futurism Michelle Habell-Pallán, Washington, Seattle The Urban Southwest: The New American Gateway Alan H. Lessoff, Illinois State University La justicia indígena en el Ecuador. Entrevista a Nina Pacari (Quito) Christian Büschges, Universität Bern A Whiter Shade of Transnationalism: Diaspora and…