Vol. 12.1 (Jun. 2019)


Doing and Undoing Comparisons

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Susana Rocha Teixeira, Bielefeld University:
Doing and Undoing Comparisons: An Introduction
Wilfried Raussert, Bielefeld University:
‘We Wear the Mask’: Modern ‘Masks,’ Reflexivity, and Black Practices of Comparing in the Harlem Renaissance
Claudia Hachenberger, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg:
Narcos and the Promotion of an U.S. (Informal) Cultural Empire Based on Processes of Stereotyping and Comparison
Olaf Kaltmeier, Bielefeld University:
Invidious Comparison and the New Global Leisure Class: On the Refeudalization of Consumption in the Old and New Gilded Age
Pablo Campos, Bielefeld University:
‘Early’ and ‘Modern’ indigenist Practices – A Comparative Analysis of the Ecuadorian and the Mexican cases
Elena Furlanetto, University of Duisburg-Essen:
Declensions: Conceptual Migrations across Empires
Yago Quiñones Triana, Universidade de Brasília:
Gilberto Freyre entre duas Américas Latinas: a lusitana e a hispana. Análise da transformação da interpretação do Autor com relação a influência espanhola e portuguesa em América.
Gudrun Rath, University of Art and Design, Linz:
Contesting Inequality. Joseph Anténor Firmin’s De l’égalité des races humaines, 133 years on
Carsten Schinko, University of Stuttgart/HU Berlin:
How (Not) to Compare White Poverty: Class Issues, Socioeconomic Suffering, Literature
Marcus Hartner, Bielefeld University:
Placing Prospero’s Island: (Post)Colonial Practices of Comparing in the Academic Reception of Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Kensedeobong Blessed Okosun, Bielefeld University:
Book Review: Weird American Music

Gilberto Freyre entre duas Américas Latinas: a lusitana e a hispana. Análise da transformação da interpretação do Autor com relação a influência espanhola e portuguesa em América

Yago Quiñones Triana, Universidade de Brasília:

Continue reading Gilberto Freyre entre duas Américas Latinas: a lusitana e a hispana. Análise da transformação da interpretação do Autor com relação a influência espanhola e portuguesa em América