Vol 14.2 (Nov. 2021)


Vol. 14.2 (Nov. 2021)
Imaginaries of Home in the Caribbean Diaspora and the Americas

Download a pdf of the complete issue here.
Miriam Brandel, Bielefeld University, Germany
Wilfried Raussert, Bielefeld University, Germany:
Rethinking Home in the Caribbean Diaspora and the Americas: Introduction
Anne Brüske, University of Regensburg / University of Heidelberg, Germany:
Producing Home in Achy Obejas’ Days of Awe (2001). Homing and Remembering as Diasporic Practices
Cécile Accilien, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, United States:
Searching for Home: Im/migration, Deportation, and Exile in Haitian Popular Cinema
Wilfried Raussert, Bielefeld University, Germany:
“We – the audience with me – are ‘breaking bread together’”: Black Canadian Dub Poets’ Call-and-Response Practices and (Re)Creating Home in the Diaspora
Paola Ravasio, Associated Research Fellow, CIAS Bielefeld, Germany:
Home is Where the Womb Is: Towards a New Consideration of Home in Diaspora
Sigrid Thomsen, University of Vienna, Austria:
Approaching Imaginative Mobilities through Rhythms of the City and the Body in Edwidge Danticat’s “New York Day Women”
Giselle Liza Anatol, University of Kansas, United States:
Transmogrifying Home in Jamaica Kincaid’s Annie John and Kacen Callender’s Hurricane Child
Fabio Santos, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany:
Book Review Right-Wing Populism and Gender. European Perspectives and Beyond

Vol. 14.1 (Feb. 2021)


Technologies and Social Change in the Americas

Download a .pdf of the complete issue here.
Wilfried Raussert, Bielefeld University, Germany
Olaf Kaltmeier, Bielefeld University, Germany
Robert Curley, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
Mario Rufer, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Matti Steinitz, Bielefeld University, Germany:
Technologies and Social Change in the Americas (Introduction)
Paola Ravasio, Associated Research Fellow, CIAS Bielefeld, Germany:
Rail Intertextuality: A Time-Travel Escapade upon the Iron Rails of the Americas
Gigi Adair, Bielefeld University, Germany:
Technologies of Rebellion: technology and the posthuman social in Earl Lovelace’s Is Just a Movie
Rozenn Le Mur, Universidad de Guadalajara, México:
La redefinición del imaginario sobre la indigenidad como acto político de resistencia. El ejemplo del muralismo comunitario en Guadalajara
Francisco Hernández Lomelí, Universidad de Guadalajara, México:
La debilidad inicial de la industria de la televisión
Wilfried Raussert, Bielefeld University, Germany:
Creativity as Collaborative Endeavor with Social Vision: Postmodern Dance, the Creative Body, and Electronically Networked Performance Spaces in the 1960s
Alejandra Sañudo Martín, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
Fabiola Alcalá Anguiano, Universidad de Guadalajara, México:
La representación de la mujer en el cine de ciencia ficción. Estereotipos y arquetipos femeninos en Star Wars
Rodrigo Liceaga, Associated Research Fellow, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México :
Internet, Coloniality and Environment: Technology, Economic Commensurability of Diversity, and Ich’el ta muk’
Inés Cornejo, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Mario Rufer, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico:
Horizontality in Perspective: Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier and Sarah Corona Berkin