Vol 17.1 (Jun. 2024)


Vol. 17.1 (Jun. 2024)
Visual Narratives: Approaches to Graphic Novels in the Americas

Download a pdf of the complete issue here.
Frans Weiser, University of Georgia, USA:
“Tudo melhora depois de uma guerra”: Prosthetic Memory and the Graphic Adaptation of Milton Hatoum’s Dois Irmãos
Geoffroy de Laforcade, Norfolk State University,USA
Daniel Stein, University of Siegen, Germany:
Beyond Scarcity and Hardship: Historical and Contemporary Reflections on Cuban Comics
Astrid Haas, Universidad de Bergen, Noruega:
Migración indocumentada y activismo migrante: El artivismo de la narrativa gráfica mexicano-estadounidense
Rafael García Roncalla, Bielefeld University, Germany:
Old perils, old fears: The (still) vulnerable creole body in Selva Misteriosa
Birte Wege, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany:
Burning Down the House: Latin American Comics in the 21st Century, Edited by Laura Cristina Fernández, Amadeo Gandolfo, and Pablo Turnes, Routledge, 2023 (Book Review)