Gilberto Freyre entre duas Américas Latinas: a lusitana e a hispana. Análise da transformação da interpretação do Autor com relação a influência espanhola e portuguesa em América

Yago Quiñones Triana, Universidade de Brasília:

Continue reading Gilberto Freyre entre duas Américas Latinas: a lusitana e a hispana. Análise da transformação da interpretação do Autor com relação a influência espanhola e portuguesa em América

Vol. 11.3 (Dec. 2018)

Vol. 11 No. 3 (Dec. 2018):

Double Issue

Download a .pdf of the complete issue here.


The Laws of Extraction– Environmental Rights and Legal Regulations in Struggles over Natural Resources in the Americas
Riccarda Flemmer, German Institute of Global and Area Studies – GIGA, Hamburg:
Introduction: Environmental Rights and Legal Regulations in Struggles over Natural Resources in the Americas
Alonso Burgos Cisneros, Instituto de Estudios Políticos Andinos:
La dinámica política del juego ambiental en el Perú. El caso de la fundición de La Oroya
Carolina Sánchez De Jaegher, University College Roosevelt, the Netherlands:
Saving the planet with green capitalism? Or re-signifying our existence with Mother Earth? The Mapuche-Valdivian case against the wind farm Pililín in the South of Chile
Svenja Schöneich, German Institute of Global and Area Studies – GIGA, Hamburg and Universität Hamburg:
Ambigüedades del Petróleo – Cambios de percepción de riesgo al nivel local por la Reforma Energética Mexicana
Guaraní Alfonzo Guzman, Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní–APG, Charagua, Bolivia & Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, Universidad de Osnabrück, Alemania/ Asháninka Ruth Buendía (Central Asháninka del Río Ene–CARE), Perú & Riccarda Flemmer, Instituto GIGA Hamburgo, Alemania:
Entrevistas con líderes indígenas: ¿Mecanismos participativos para lograr justicia ambiental y formas democráticas de la gobernanza de recursos naturales?


Human Rights and Development in the Americas
Jochen Kemner, Universidad de Kassel:
Introducción: Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos en las Américas. Apuntes para abrir un debate interamericano
Heather Dewey, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
Richard Weiner, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne:
Clashing Views on Modernization and Socio-economic Rights: Mexican Reception of Frank Tannenbaum’s Mexico: The Struggle for Peace and Bread”
Stella Krepp, University of Bern:
Development before Democracy: Inter-American Relations in the long 1950s
Martin Breuer, Bielefeld University:
Exploring the technical assistance activities of the International Labor Organization in the field of indigenous peoples: Development and Human Rights in the Andean Indian Program (1954-1968)
Annika Hartmann, University of Bremen/Justus Liebig University Giessen:
Shaping Reproductive Freedom – Family Planning and Human Rights in Cold War Guatemala, 1960s-1970s
Janeth Hernández Flores, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México:
El papel de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) ante el encuentro histórico de los derechos humanos y el desarrollo: el enfoque basado en derechos humanos (EBDH)
Madelaine Caracas, Universidad de Centroamérca y Edith Otero, Universidad de Bielefeld:
Diálogo por Nicaragua

Vol. 1.1 (Jun. 2008)


Identity Politics in the Americas and Beyond

Ana Cruz García, University College Cork:
A Borderland Consciousness: Una conciencia de mujer in Borderlands/La frontera
Stephen Joyce, Bielefeld University:
The Link and the Chain: The Individual and Communal Self in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee
Madeleine Lyes, Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin:
Unsettling New York Settlement from the Inside: Maeve Brennan, the Long-Winded Lady, and the Urban Dream of the New Yorker
Sarah-May O’Sullivan, University of Dublin:
The Monstrous-Masculine: Adolescence, Abjection, and the Screen Male in Denys Arcand’s Les Invasions barbares (2003) and Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Amores perros (2000)
Pia Wiegmink, Siegen University:
Turning the Test Beds: Performance Art and Genetic Engineering

Vol. 2.1 (Jan. 2009)


Remembering and Forgetting: Memory in Images and Texts

Julia Andres, Bielefeld University:
Tú eres mi otro yo – Your Story is my Story. Caramelo: Strands of Memory Woven into a Universal Pattern
Ridvan Askin, University of Freiburg:
Mneme, Anamnesis and Mimesis: The Function of Narrative in Paul Ricœur’s Theory of Memory
Lásló Munteán, University of Budapest, Hungary:
Working Through Ground Zero
Daniela Opitz, Universität Bielefeld:
‘Evitas Montoneras’ – La memoria de la militancia femenina en el cine documental argentino: Montoneros, una historia (1995) de Andrés di Tella
Maryemma Graham:
Toni Morrison: Cultural Memory and the New World Novel