Vol. 4.2 (Nov. 2011)


Indigenous America

Jonathan Hart, Alberta, Canada:
Haunted by Spain: The Past and Identities in English and French America
Guillaume Boccara, CNRS/EHESS, Paris y Patricia Ayala, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile:
La nacionalización del indígena en tiempos de multiculturalismo neoliberal
Jochen Kemner, Bielefeld University, Germany:
Lobbying for Global Indigenous Rights: The World Council of Indigenous Peoples (1975-1997)
Walter Prodencio Magne Veliz:
Video – Entrevista a Walter Prodencio Magne Veliz (Embajador Boliviano en Alemania)
Susanne Berthier-Foglar, Université de Savoie:
Indigenous Claims and Uranium Mining on Mount Taylor, New Mexico, USA
Lívia Šavelková, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic:
Indigenous Peoples – Creating New “Borderlines“?
Érika Julieta Vázquez Flores, León, Mexico:
La Universidad Como Espacio De Creación Y Reflexión De La Educación Intercultural
Giorgio Mariani, Rome, Italy:
Negotiating Violence and Identity in Sherman Alexie’s Indian Killer

Vol. 5.1 (Apr. 2012)


Transitions and Continuities in Contemporary Chicano/a Culture

Daniel Minerbi Vargas, Arizona State University:
Espacios creados, objetos desplazados y eulatinos globalizados en la trilogía migratoria de Saúl Cuevas
Alicia Gaspar de Alba, University of California, Los Angeles and Alma Lopez:
Revenge of the Bad Girls: Sor Juana, the Salem Witches, las Maqui-Locas and Alma Lopez // Our Lady and Other Queer Santas
Margarita Ramos, University of Guadalajara:
Comida, poder, alternacia de códigos y género en Sandra Cisneros Caramelo
Niamh Thornton, University of Ulster, Coleraine:
Fairies at the Bottom of the Garden: Writers Crossing Digital Borders
Donna Alexander, University College Cork:
Anti-Capitalist Critique and Travelling Poetry in the Works of Lorna Dee Cervantes and Rage Against the Machine
Cherríe Moraga, Los Angeles and Celia Herrera Rodríguez Berkely:
A Xicana Codex of Changing Consciousness: Writings 2000-2010
Yolanda Minerva Campos García, Universidad de Guadalajara:
La muñequita millonaria, Dolores del Río en Hollywood, vista por la prensa española especializada

Vol. 5.2 ( Jul. 2012)


Diaspora: Cultures in Transit

Nicolas de Ribas, Université d’Artois, France:
La diáspora jesuita en Italia: movilizaciones emancipadoras y reflexiones patrióticas a finales del siglo XVIII
Mita Banerjee,Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany:
A Whiter Shade of Transnationalism: Diaspora and Undocumenteds in The Game
Diana Fulger, Universität Bielefeld:
The Colors of the Cuban Diaspora: Portrayal of Racial Dynamics among Cuban-Americans
Luisa Lagos Benites, Universität Bielefeld:
Re-interpretando la identidad de los niños del país ajeno. Etnicidad, niñez excluída y Borderlands en la sierra rural peruana.
Matthias Oppermann, Georgetown University:
Diasporas in the Datasphere: Where are the Brazilians on Facebook (and Where is Inter-American Studies on the Web)?
Albert Galiev,and Sepideh Masoodi, University of Calgary:
Language Barriers to Integration: A Canadian Perspective
Johanna Domokos, Sovata, Romania:
exil, elixier
Jonathan Locke Hart, University of Alberta:
Poetry Reading: Dreamwork (2010)

Vol. 5.3 (Oct. 2012)


Independence Movements


Celia del Palacio Montiel, Universidad Veracruzana:
Las mujeres de la independencia de México desde la historia y desde la literatura. Una visión desde adentro
David Ryan, University College Cork:
Re-enacting Independence through Nostalgia – The 1976 US Bicentennial after the Vietnam War
Stefan Rinke, Freie Universität Berlin:
La independencia de Brasil: Movimientos entre espacios y el contexto de las revoluciones atlánticas, 1808-1831
Alejandra Bottinelli, Universidad de Chile:
Del Progreso al Orden. Letrados y poder en el origen de los Estados-nación, en el sur americano
Andrea Pagni, Universität Erlangen:
Llamando a las puertas de Europa: Facundo en la Revue des Deux Mondes, París 1846
Ricardo López Santillán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México:
Los Profesionistas Mayas Yucatecos en Mérida y su Participación en las Celebraciones del Centenario de la Revolución y del Bicentenario de la Independencia
Águeda Jiménez Pelayo, Universidad de Guadalajara:
Trascendencia de la Cédula de Consolidación de Vales Reales en el Obispado de Guadalajara
Antonio Alejo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela:
Argentina y su Bicentenario: repensando la identidad argentina, país de migrantes y pueblos originarios, en el contexto de la globalización

Vol. 6.1 (May 2013)


Religion in the Americas

Rüdiger Kunow, Potsdam University:
Going Native with God on the Side: Mission as Traveling Culture
Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer, Bielefeld University:
Pombagira y el obispo: sobre identidades religiosas transnacionales. La Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus en Brasil y Mozambique
Tobias Reu, Bielefeld University:
Saint Worship and Citizenship in Bolivia – An Ethnographic Approach to Democracy and Civil Society at the Festival of Urqupiña
Melissa Knox, Universität Duisburg-Essen:
Protean Identity: Religion and Contemporary American Autobiography
Alexia Schemien, University of  Duisburg-Essen:
Hybrid Spiritualities in Ana Castillo’s The Guardians

VOL. 6.2 (Sep. 2013)


Migrations between Spaces in the Americas and Beyond

Barbara Fritz, Ingrid Kummels and Stefan Rinke, Freie Universität Berlin:
Migrations Between Spaces in the Americas and Beyond
Mariano Bonialian, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires-CONICET:
Ideas Demográficas Mercantilistas en torno a España y América, Siglos XVII y XVIII
Cecilia Tossounian, Freie Universität Berlin:
Images of the Modern Girl – From the Flapper to the Joven Moderna
Tabea Huth, Freie Universität Berlin:
Becoming ‘La Chiquita de Tijuana’ and ‘Staging Contradiction’ – Ruby Gardenia’s Lucha Libre Exótica in a Mexican Border City
Maria Lidola, ZI Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin:
Changing Boundaries and Redefining Relations: Migration and Work Experiences of Brazilian Women in Germany
Christian Ambrosius, Barbara Fritz, and Ursula Stiegler,Freie Universität Berlin:
Remittances and the Financial Sector – Insights from Latin America
Yolanda Minerva Campos García, Universidad de Guadalajara:
La muñequita millonaria, Dolores del Río en Hollywood, vista por la prensa española especializada

Vol 7.1 (Feb. 2014)


The Open Issue

Kevin Concannon, Texas A&M-Corpus Christi:
ImagiNation: Border Crossing and the Transnational Subject
Philipp Altmann, FU Berlin:
Interculturalidad y Plurinacionalidad como conceptos decoloniales – Colonialidad y discurso indígena en el Ecuador
Jennifer Krause, Vanderbilt University:
Playing by the Rules: Causes of Madness in Breakfast of Champions and Kiss of the Spider Woman
Sara Quintero Ramírez, Universidad de Guadalajara:
Factores pragmático-culturales del infinitivo enunciativo y del infinitif de narration en los medios de comunicación en América Latina y Canadá
Alan H. Lessoff, Illinois State University:
The Urban Southwest: The New American Gateway
Christian Büschges, Universität Bern:
La justicia indígena en el Ecuador. Entrevista a Nina Pacari (Quito)
Michelle Habell-Pallán, Washington, Seattle:
Chicana Futurism

Vol. 8.2 (Sep. 2015)


New Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Feminicide at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Download a .pdf of the complete issue here.
Laura Gillman,Virginia Tech & Tobias Jochum, Free University Berlin:
Introduction: New Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Feminicide at the U.S.-Mexico Border
Steven S. Volk, Oberlin College:
The Historiography of Feminicide in Ciudad Juárez: Critical and Revisionist Approaches
Julia E. Monárrez Fragoso, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte Ciudad Juárez, México :
El destino de la humanidad en tiempos inhumanos
Cynthia Bejarano, New Mexico State University:
(Re)Living Femicide through Social Control: The Regulation of Life and Bodies through Fear and (In)Formal Social Control
Tobias Jochum, Free University Berlin:
“The Weight of Words, the Shock of Photos”: Poetic Testimony and Elliptical Imagery in Sergio González Rodríguez’ The Femicide Machine
Aishih Wehbe-Herrera, Independent Scholar:
“A New Landscape of the Possible”: 400 Women, Politics of Representation and Human Rights
Laura Gillman, Virginia Tech :
El destino de la humanidad en tiempos inhumanos
Alice Driver, Independent Researcher :
Risks, Challenges and Ethics of Representing Feminicide: A Comparative Analysis of Sergio González Rodríguez’ Huesos en el desierto and Roberto Bolaño’s 2666
Edward Avila, Minnesota State University, Mankato :
The Maquila Complex: Reification, Disposability, and Resistance in Maquilapolis: City of Factories

Vol. 11.2 (Sep. 2018)


Encounters in the ‘Game-Over Era’: The Americas in/and Video Games

Download a .pdf of the complete issue here.
Mahshid Mayar, Bielefeld University:
A game (simulation) is a game (interactive technology) is a game
(lifestyle) is a game (live archive): An Introduction
Daniel Giere, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich:
Let’s Play the Boston Tea Party – Exemplary Analysis of Historical
Events in Digital Games
Eugen Pfister, Hochschule der Künste Bern:
“In a world without gold, we might have been heroes!” Cultural
Imaginations of Piracy in Video Games
Stefan Schubert, Leipzig University:
Columbian Nightmare: Narrative, History, and Nationalism in
BioShock Infinite
Mahshid Mayar, Bielefeld University & Stephen Joyce ,Aarhus University:
The Post-Apocalyptic and the Ludic: An Interview with
Dr. Stephen Joyce
Naima Shaheen, Bielefeld University:
Book Review “Cultural Code: Video Games and Latin America”
Leonid Moyzhes, Russian State University for the Humanities:
Book Review “Digital Games as History”
Phillip Penix-Tadsen, University of Delaware:
Afterword: Regional Game Studies and Historical Representation”

Exploring the technical assistance activities of the International Labor Organization in the field of indigenous peoples: Development and Human Rights in the Andean Indian Program (1954-1968)

Martin Breuer,Bielefeld University:

Continue reading Exploring the technical assistance activities of the International Labor Organization in the field of indigenous peoples: Development and Human Rights in the Andean Indian Program (1954-1968)