Vol. 10 No. 2 (Nov. 2017)


Bodies in the Americas

Download a .pdf of the complete issue here.


Susana Rocha Teixeira, Bielefeld University
Introduction: Bodies in the Americas
Bernadette Wegenstein, The Johns Hopkins University:
The US Breast Cancer Body in the Rising Age of the Mastectomy
Natalia Lecca Silva, Lima, Perú:
Cuerpos en disputa. Reflexiones sobre cuerpo y género desde los discursos de tres mujeres profesionales en danza contemporánea
Katharina Vester, American University:
“Reduce Your Appearance Instantly!” Representations of the Female Body in the Comic Books for Women and Girls
Carmen Ibáñez, Universität zu Köln:
El cuerpo como evidencia: etnicidad y género en los Andes
Nadia V Celis Salgado, Bowdoin College:
Las niñas del Caribe y la `conciencia corporal´: apuntes para una descolonización encarnada
Danielle Glassmeyer, Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, USA:
“I´d rather push a guy out a window”: Trauma, Abject Bodies, and the Unhomely in The Catcher in the Rye

Vol. 9.2 (Sep. 2016)


Negotiating Nature: Imaginaries, Interventions and Resistance

Download a .pdf of the complete issue here.


Antoine Acker, University of Turin &
Olaf Kaltmeier, Anne Tittor, Bielefeld University:
The Social Production of Nature Between Coloniality and Capitalism
Alberto Acosta, FLACSO Ecuador:
Aporte al debate:
El extractivismo, como categoría de saqueo y devastación
Roland Walter, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife:
Inter/Transbiotic Memory Traces, Transculturation, and Decolonization
in Inter-American Literature
Etienne Sauthier, Université Paris III, Sorbonne Nouvelle:
Brasilianiser Proust – La nature comme élément d’assimilation de
l’importation culturelle – (1920-1960)
Gijs Cremers & Elisabet Dueholm Rasch, Wageningen University:
`El dios dinero es el que manda´
Nature as a Field of Force in the Western Highlands of Guatemala
Anne Heeren, University of Hannover:
Commercialization of Biodiversity:
The Regulation of Bioprospecting in Ecuador
Esther Figueroa, Vagabond Media/Jamaica:
I Live for Art – An Ecocide Romance
Anne Tittor & Esther Figueroa:
China´s involvement in Jamaica.
Socio-ecological Consequences of a Huge Infrastructural Project,
An Interview with the filmmaker Esther Figueroa about her film
“I Live for Art – An Ecocide Romance”


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