La representación de la mujer en el cine de ciencia ficción. Estereotipos y arquetipos femeninos en Star Wars
Alejandra Sañudo Martín, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
Fabiola Alcalá Anguiano, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
La redefinición del imaginario sobre la indigenidad como acto político de resistencia. El ejemplo del muralismo comunitario en Guadalajara
Rozenn Le Mur, Universidad de Guadalajara, México
Technologies of Rebellion: technology and the posthuman social in Earl Lovelace’s Is Just a Movie
Gigi Adair, University of Bielefeld, Germany
Horizontality in Perspective: Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier and Sarah Corona Berkin
Inés Cornejo, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico
Mario Rufer, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico:
Continue reading Horizontality in Perspective: Interview with Olaf Kaltmeier and Sarah Corona Berkin
Vol. 13.3 (Dec.2020)
100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber: Commemoration from the Americas
Download a .pdf of the complete issue here.
Jessé Souza, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo:
100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber: Commemoration from the Americas (Introduction)
Wolfgang Schluchter, Heidelberg University:
“How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond
Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, University of Kassel:
Rethinking the State: How Necessary is a Farewell to Max Weber?
Boike Rehbein, Humboldt University Berlin:
Weber, Understanding and the Charge of Subjectivism
Jessé Souza, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo:
Max Weber e o “Culturalismo Científico” do Senhor e do Escravo
Marcos Abraao Ribeiro, Instituto Federal Fluminense:
A recepção de Max Weber no pensamento de Fernando Henrique Cardoso e a legitimação intelectual do projeto de reforma do Estado no Brasil
Francisco Colom González, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC):
Patrimonial Liberalism. A Weberian Approach to Early Latin American State-Making
Mostafa Abedinifard, University of British Columbia:
Book review “The Persian Whitman: Beyond a Literary Reception”
Max Weber e o “Culturalismo Científico” do Senhor e do Escravo
Jessé Souza, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo
Continue reading Max Weber e o “Culturalismo Científico” do Senhor e do Escravo
Rethinking the State: How Necessary is a Farewell to Max Weber?
Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, University of Kassel
Continue reading Rethinking the State: How Necessary is a Farewell to Max Weber?
Weber, Understanding and the Charge of Subjectivism
Boike Rehbein, Humboldt University Berlin
Continue reading Weber, Understanding and the Charge of Subjectivism
“How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond
Wolfgang Schluchter, Heidelberg University
Continue reading “How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond